Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Gunning For Control: How Gun Control Legislation Does Not Prevent "Gun Violence"

After the recent mass shooting in Orlando Florida, on the morning of June 12, 2016, many gun control advocates, and left wing hacks are exploiting and politicizing the issue to further their gun control agenda.
They argue that the assault used in the shooting, the infamous AR-15, should be banned immediately. But does banning something really prevent it from falling into the hands of criminals and/or terrorists? History has taught us that outlawing something, especially something that was previously legal, certainly does not eliminate it.

1. If there is anything that both alcohol prohibition and the failed war on drugs has taught us its that outlawing the supply does NOT eliminate the demand, in fact, it doesn't eliminate the supply either. If outlawing anything was successful, then speak easys would not have existed in the 1920s, no teenager would have ever have smoked marijuana, no Hollywood movie star or executive would have ever done lines of cocaine off the bare breasts of a stripper, and there would be 0 deaths from unregistered guns.

2. A vast overwhelming majority of murders by guns are committed by people who obtained the UNREGISTERED FIREARMS ILLEGALLY. Some estimates  claim that only 6% of all murders are committed by people who LEGALLY obtained the gun. Other estimates claim the number is closer to 3% of all murders were committed by people who LEGALLY obtained the guns. This means that over 90% of murders by guns were done by people who acquired ILLEGAL UNREGISTERED guns over the black market. This leads to the obvious question that since the U.S. authorities CAN'T ENFORCE THE ALREADY EXISTING GUN LAWS, then how do they expect to enforce even "tougher gun legislation"???

3. Gun Statistics are purposely cherry picked and manipulated to give the false impression that all "gun related deaths" are murders. You may hear "gun statistics" like 13,286 people were killed in the US by firearms in 2015. Just like signing a contract when buying a car off of a sleezy used car salesman, you need to read the fine print. These are the total number people killed by guns, NOT THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE MURDERED BY GUNS. This broad, overly vague, and generalized number is intentionally recited in order to inflate the misleading impression that all of these deaths were murders. The majority of gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides, with 17,352 (55.6%) of the total 31,224 firearm-related deaths in 2007 due to suicide, while 12,632 (40.5%) were homicide deaths. So if suicides are part of the "gun violence statistics," then when people hang themselves, why aren't those deaths related to "rope violence statistics"?? However its is extremely easy to find the total  number of people "killed by guns' every year but its impossible to find the total number of people MURDERED BY GUNS most years. This is done purposely, to inflate the "gun violence" stats, and to fear monger, in an attempt to provoke often times, overly afraid people into thinking that guns themselves are more dangerous than they truly are. However the FBI did publish a list of the means of ALL MURDERS from the yeas 2007 through 2011 and it does distinguish between the means of the murders but it does not distinguish between legally  and illegally obtained firearms used in those particular murders.

4. If the AR-15 was banned next week, people would buy it up like crazy, and this particular gun would have a relatively abundant supply over the black market. As I established earlier, outlawing the supply will not eliminate the demand, it will only create a black market for the supply, especially if that supply was already legal once. If the AR-15 is to become illegal people would buy it up like crazy, once people buy it up like crazy, just like with stolen cars, there would be chop shops for guns and sale the gun over the black market, in abundance.

5. After every publicized mass shooting incident, the left can't wait to start advocating for more gun control. This in turn, creates a panic by gun owners (mostly in rural areas and rural congressional districts) who hurry up rush and buy more guns thinking that guns will either be illegal or harder to obtain soon, then the gun manufacturers get a spike in profit, and they use that money to donate to the infamous NRA. The NRA also sees a spike in donations from the very same politically active, pro-2nd amendment gun owners during these times as well. These same politically active people call their Congressman/Senator's office to tell them to firmly stand AGAINST anymore gun legislation. These Congressman/Senators, usually in "red" states and congressional districts, listen to their constituents both in principle, and some out of fear of being elected out office. These Congressman and Senators LISTEN TO THEIR VOTERS, WHICH IS WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO DO! THIS IS HOW THEY ARE DOING THEIR JOBS, by listening to their constituents. The myth that these politicians are "bought" by the NRA is only a means to use the NRA as a scapegoat instead of saying that the NRA itself, is bought and controlled by the very same VOTERS who elect these Congressman/Senators in office anyway. The NRA is a lobbying group on their behalf. The Democrats would be virtually be committing political suicide if they insulted gun owners (who fund the NRA and elect the pro-2nd amendment Republicans to office) and redneck rural America as a whole. So they use the NRA as a scapeoat.

Overall, the amount of gun deaths is a broad and overly generalized statistic used to intentionally mislead people into believing that gun related deaths are worse than what they are. About half of those "gun related deaths" were suicides, and there are many other ways to commit suicide rather than using a gun. Some are accidents and about 1/3 of that number ARE ACTUAL MURDERS. Of that fraction which is the over all number of gun related murders, only less than 7% of those murders were committed by people who obtained the guns LEGALLY. This means that already existing guns laws clearly aren't working, yet gun control advocates think more of the same laws would actually work? Yet these cherry picked and intentionally misleading statistics are used as a fear mongering techniques by modern day big government liberals, and the media outlets that side and propagandized  with them. If outlawing anything would actually work, then nobody in America would have ever tried illegal drugs, and certainly nobody in America would have ever been murdered by an UNREGISTERED ILLEGAL OBTAINED FIREARM! This propaganda is just used as a tool to purposely mis-lead the American public through cherry picked statistics and fear mongering. This is how the left is literally "GUNNING FOR CONTROL" of not just the political power in America, but control over our everyday lives as well.